Hwww.dakotavoice.com/2007/08/ignoring-truth-about-global-warming.htmlC:/Documents and Settings/Bob Ellis/My Documents/Websites/Dakota Voice Blog 20081230/www.dakotavoice.com/2007/08/ignoring-truth-about-global-warming.htmldelayedwww.dakotavoice.com/\sck.pekxf[I 5TOKtext/htmlUTF-8gzip (5TJ}/yWed, 31 Dec 2008 22:49:25 GMT"a5db0704-bddd-435c-94b8-20d6f86f7df6"NjMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, en, *d[Ihm5T Dakota Voice: Ignoring the Truth About Global Warming

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Ignoring the Truth About Global Warming

NewsMax has a piece on the recent Newsweek article about the global warming myth that tries to pass itself off as objective journalism.

One of the fallacies of the Newsweek article pointed out:

Reporter Eve Conant, who interviewed Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., the ranking member of the Environment & Public Works Committee, was given all the latest data proving conclusively that it is the proponents of man-made global warming fears that enjoy a monumental funding advantage over the skeptics. (A whopping $50 billion to a paltry $19 million for skeptics — yes, that is billion to million — see below. )

Looks like being "on the payroll of energy companies" doesn't pay very well, compared to being on the payroll of environmental socialists.


Theophrastus Bombastus said...

That there are scientists willing to foreswear the gigabucks of the Left in favor of truth and integrity gives me some hope for the future of the scientific method. In many cases "science" becomes the consensus of those having the most to gain.

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