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The Defective Media


By Carrie K. Hutchens

The mainstream media has been a little lax when it comes to verifying information prior to publishing. Certainly isn't like back in the Watergate days and the requirements like that of the Washington Post to have verification from more than one reliable source prior to publication. No, certainly not like that in the reporting of the Terri Schiavo case for sure.

According to some allegedly mainstream media sources...

Terri Schiavo was brain dead. (Wrong! Even George Felos and Michael Schiavo admitted on national television that she was not.)

Terri Schiavo was on life support. (Wrong! Even George Felos and Michael Schiavo admitted that she was merely utilizing a feeding tube, which was not considered life support when she went on it or during her early use of same.)

Terri Schiavo was receiving ongoing aggressive therapy? Oh really? Let's have some documentation on that. Documentation like some medical reports, billings and proof of payment for same.

Terri Schiavo's trust fund was allegedly spent on medical expenses and therapy? Oh please... let's have some proof on that and explanation how she was approved for Medicaid, while Michael Schiavo was earning such a salary and investing in such an expensive house and lifestyle.

Maybe it is time that we hold the mainstream media accountable for what they state to the public as fact by the very assumption of what they are and what they do. After all, the majority of the public believes that the media cannot, and will not, say what is not "proven" to be so. As a result, the public was mislead about the Terri Schiavo case. How many other cases has the mainstream media misled us on? Do we any longer have a clue what is supposedly strictly news vs. commentary?

I can't intentionally tell a lie about anyone or any situation--why can the mainstream media? I mean...I call it "intentionally" when the public repeatedly tries to share the truth with the reporters, and the information just gets blown off as nothingness, rather than something seriously followed up on.

So when inaccurate information is presented to the public--and the public, relying upon it as the truth because of the belief that the media can only report the truth, reacts upon that information--who is responsible for the results?

What if Terri Schiavo really was responsive and had a chance to recover even somewhat, but kept from doing so for a cause that wasn't in her best interest?

What if the reporting of her case was defective?

Terri Schiavo is gone. We can't bring her back. But we can fight to stop more of the same. Will we?!?!?! I pray we shall!!!!!!!!!!!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


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