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Memories to Gauge Where We Are Headed


By Carrie K. Hutchens

Broken record as I may sometimes seem, the Terri Schiavo case is not something to put on the shelf of "oh wells" and then simply get on with life.

Get on with life? At least I have a life. If only Terri did as well. Why doesn't she? It's something we should ask every chance we get. Something we should ask, until the majority is asking it as well. Something we should ask, until the lawmakers are asking it. Something we should ask until the courts, as well as the people, are demanding the answer as to why an innocent woman was put to death at all, but especially by such a horrendous method. A method that no one would allow to be used on a convicted murderer. (That would be cruel and unusual punishment.) A method not even allowed on animals. But it was allowed (forced) on Terri Schiavo? What does that say about the judge (Judge George Greer) that ordered the death sentence on an innocent and the courts that allowed it thereafter by not allowing a true review of the case? (A review that convicted murderers receive prior to execution.)

There are people in the public that are seeking NOT, "Death with Dignity", but rather, "Death by Obligation".

There are people in the public that do truly think they are fighting for "Death with Dignity", but are imposing their values upon other people's lives. They wouldn't want to live a certain way, so they are sure no one else would.

("Quality of Life" issues that only we can determine for ourselves, should never be made by others -- especially those who don't even know us.)

There are also people who do believe in "Death with Dignity", who are trying to only let people have a chance to go rather than be forced to stay alive by machines, rather than God's will. People who might have fought to keep Terri alive had they been aware of the "facts" as they were, rather than what was presented as being "facts" that weren't. (Half-truths aren't facts either.) Might have been good if all the facts had been allowed into the record, rather than some not allowed due to the bias and/or opinion of the judge and quirks of the law. Yes, "all the FACTS" might have actually changed the opinion that we heard during Terri's hideous execution, death and since then.

Truth often has a way of changing how we feel!

Amazing how that works!

Broken record? I'm proud to be. What happened wrongly to Terri cannot be said too often. We can't let her, or what happened to her, be forgotten, lest it become the norm in this world we live in. A world that has gone mad and is threatening to only get worse.

Without memories of what once was, we have no gauge on where we are headed!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


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