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Anna Nichole Wasn't


By Carrie K. Hutchens

Amazing how the news media has glorified the tragedy of Anna Nicole Smith's life and death, while painting Terri Schiavo's life as a mere tragedy requiring her extermination, and demanding that we simply let her go.

How dare we keep her memory alive and suggest she didn't deserve what life dealt her? How dare we suggest that there are questions left unanswered? How dare we suggest that the media not only failed to report the Schiavo case in a fair and truthful manner -- but that -- it continues to throw the distortions and untruths out there to justify what cannot be rightfully justified?

How come?

What's up?

What's behind the media pushing to justify an innocent woman being put to death in a slow, hideous manner of torture that took 13 days to accomplish, while so worried about the 34 minute pain and suffering "possibility" of a convicted murderer?

What's behind the media giving sympathy to Anna Nicole, but not Theresa Marie?

What makes the media want to solve the mystery of Anna Nicole's moments leading up to her collapse, but not the ones leading up to Theresa Marie's?

Maybe Theresa Marie's bank account wasn't quite that of Anna Nicole's, but she was worth at least a million and still breathing on her own (and doing quite well) before someone decided she wasn't worth keeping around and set out to have the court put her to death.

The media didn't think that quite odd?

There are quite a few things that the media ought to know , and hasn't gone after the story and given us the truth.

Why is that?

I feel like I am in a Hitler's world where the media is trying to tell me what I am supposed to be believing in spite of any proof otherwise.

I'm sorry that Anna Nicole had such a tragic life, but one thing that is true -- she was not slowly killed at the hands of the judicial system, society and her husband, while the media supported and encouraged it all -- Theresa Marie (Terri Schiavo) was!


Carrie Hutchens is a former law enforcement officer and a freelance writer who is active in fighting against the death culture movement and the injustices within the judicial and law enforcement systems.


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