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Considering Homeschooling: Christians Can Help Stop Abortion

Homeschoolers can bypass truth restrictions faced in public schools


Christian Newswire/ -- Considering Homeschooling a nationwide homeschool recruitment group, urges Christians parents to see home education as a powerful tool to deter abortions in their own families, and as an excellent means to raise up leaders with a strong life ethic.

"The dirty little secret that any sidewalk counselor can tell you is that the children of Christians make up a significant percentage of abortion clinic clientele," said Kathy Lowers, Director of Considering Homeschooling, and a long time pro-life sidewalk counselor. "We have met Christian teen after Christian teen going in to kill their babies. Their parents may be pro-life, but these kids are immersed in the public school culture of death."

"Most Christians still enroll their children in government schools despite evolution in the textbooks, Planned Parenthood as guest speakers, school based sex clinics giving out birth control and promiscuous peers. Believers are risking the lives of the next generation by sending their children to such a place."

"Despite recent inroads by the abortion movement such as with embryonic stem cell promotion, Christians possess the means to turn the tide towards life in this country," Lowers said. "Believers who can create a safe, loving home should have or adopt as many children as possible and homeschool them."

"With homeschooling, you can do pro-life work as learning projects and teach your children about fetal development in a life affirming environment. Millions of children homeschooled by pro-life parents represent real hope in changing the abortion laws and attitudes in this country."

Considering Homeschooling, an organization that Charles and Kathy Lowers founded in 2001 to reach Christian parents, encourages believers in Jesus Christ to homeschool and also encourages others to start homeschool outreach groups in their own areas.

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