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Inaugural Ball Tickets Are Unique Gift Idea

(Pierre) – Still looking for a great holiday gift? Tickets to an inaugural ball on January 6th are a unique gift available only once every four years.

Tickets for the formal balls at the Capitol and the Ramkota RiverCenter are each $25 per person. The Capitol Ball features the elegant big band sounds of Over Forte. The Inaugural Ball at the Ramkota features “The Governor’s Own” 147th Army National Guard Band.

Buying a Capitol Ball ticket also gets free entrance to a third, informal late night Celebration Dance at the Capitol featuring the rock and roll sounds of “The Jadesmen.”

The three evening balls culminate the Saturday, Jan. 6, 2007 inauguration activities that include oath-of-office ceremonies for Governor-elect Mike Rounds and other elected state officials.

Tickets are limited, but still available in three convenient ways. Call 605-224-0286 or toll free 877-224-0286. Order online at www.pierretickets.com  or stop by the Pierre Chamber of Commerce at 800 W. Dakota Ave. in Pierre.

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